Knowledge Organization

Official Journal of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (KO)


Knowledge Organization is a forum for all those interested in the organization of knowledge on a universal or a domain-specific scale, using concept-analytical or concept-synthetical approaches, as well as quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Knowledge Organization also addresses the intellectual and automatic compilation and use of classification systems and thesauri in all fields of knowledge, with special attention being given to the problems of terminology.

Knowledge Organization publishes original articles, reports on conferences and similar communications, as well as book reviews, letters to the editor, and an extensive annotated bibliography of recent classification and indexing literature.

Knowledge Organization is published by the International Society for Knowledge Organization, which was founded in 1989 and now assembles more than 600 international members.

ISSN Print 0943-7444
ISSN Online 2942-3309
Eight issues per year


International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
Mail to:

  • Thiago Barros, Managing Editor
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Natália Tognoli, Editor in Chief
    Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
  • Lu An, Deputy Editor
    Wuhan University, China
  • Dr. Maja Žumer, Deputy Editor
    University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Birger Hjørland, Series Editor for Reviews of Concepts in Knowledge Organization
    University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • María J. López-Huertas, Series Editor for Research Trajectories in Knowledge Organization
    University of Granada, Spain

Publishing Open Access

Knowledge Organization is not an open access journal. However, it is possible to publish individual articles in the journal open access by making the digital version freely available under a Creative Commons license chosen by the respective author(s). The publisher requires a fee to cover the publication costs (Article Processing Charge – APC) in the amount of 1,990.00 EUR (plus VAT). Many scientific institutions and science funding bodies provide corresponding funds for the publication of research results.

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Abstracting & Indexing

Knowledge Organization is included in the Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index as well as Scopus.

Knowledge Organization is currently indexed in:

Peer Review Process

Peer review is double-blind and coordinated by either the Editor-in-Chief or by the guest editor of a special issue. All manuscripts are evaluated by at least two reviewers for originality, situation within the domain of knowledge organization, methodological rigor, and accuracy of cited work. Editorial decisions are communicated to the author via the submission system. Inappropriate submissions may be returned without formal review.


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