The interdisciplinary journal entitled ‘Rechtspsychologie – RPsych’ provides a forum for legal psychology in terms of research and practice, while also taking into account related disciplines. It focuses especially on family law, criminal law, criminology and social work, that is, on areas of the law in which psychological assessments and methods play a significant role.
This journal does not only publish empirical and theoretical essays, but also accounts of legal psychology in practice in order to reflect the current state of affairs in this field and to ensure the quality of the analyses it presents. Reviews, conference proceedings and overviews of court rulings supplement the essays the journal contains, all of which are subject to an entirely anonymous peer review process prior to publication to ensure the quality of the journal is maintained.
This journal will appeal just as much to those who compile psychological assessments and reports as it will to those in judicial and administrative circles, the Bar and advisory services who have to deal with those assessments in practice. The journal is published quarterly.
ISSN Print 2365-1083
ISSN Online 2942-335X
Published quarterly
Prof. Dr. Peter Wetzels
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft
Rothenbaumchaussee 33
20148 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0)40 / 428 384 591
The editorial staff at the journal Rechtspsychologie (RPsych) will forward all submitted manuscripts to the editor and check whether they correspond to the journal’s concept in terms of content and standard. Subsequently, the manuscripts will undergo a (double-blind) peer review process.
The peer reviewers will assess each manuscript in terms of its content and technical and formal aspects. The journal’s editors will then present the reviewers’ evaluation of each work to their authors according to the following categories:
If both peer reviewers differ in their opinions on whether a manuscript warrants being published, the manuscript will be returned to the journal’s editors with the reviewers’ recommendations. The editors will then review the manuscript again and subsequently take a majority vote on whether it should be published.
After being reviewed, all manuscripts are returned to their authors with the reviewers’ suggestions for revisions. As soon as a revised manuscript has been returned to the journal’s editorial staff, they can begin the process of publishing it.
When a manuscript is submitted, it is essential that it has neither already been published nor submitted for publication in another journal. If this is not the case, the manuscript will not be accepted. The editorial staff will keep a copy of all manuscripts, even those that are rejected.
The journal does not charge authors with any article processing fees.
RPsych is indexed in