SCM – Studies in Communication and Media


SCM is the Open Access Journal of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and Affiliate Journal of the International Communication Association (ICA).

The journal represents all areas of communication studies and the entire spectrum of theoretical and methodological approaches. The journal is published four times a year at the end of each quarter.

All articles are reviewed anonymously before publication.

Manuscripts can be submitted in the personal area („dashboard“) at our manuscript management website.

SCM accepts the formats „Research-in-brief,“ „Full Paper,“ and „Extended Paper.“

ISSN Online 2192-4007
Published quarterly


Editorial Board

Internationaler Editorial Board

DGPuK Editorial Board

Editorial Office

Editorial address

Hochschule Wismar
University of Applied Sciences
Technology, Business and Design
Fakultät Gestaltung
Philipp-Müller-Straße 14
23966 Wismar


Special Editions

“(Re)Establishing quality criteria for content analysis: A critical perspective on the field’s core method “

The latest Special Issue of SCM is dedicated to the challenges the genuinely communication-scientific method of content analysis currently faces – not least due to the establishment of computational methods. The discussion includes both the extent to which traditional quality criteria such as validity and reliability require reinterpretation and which additional (such as ethical) quality criteria prove to be necessary. The guest editors for this issue are Mario Haim, Valerie Hase, Johanna Schindler, Marko Bachl, and Emese Domahidi. 

„Communicating COVID-19”

This Special Issue of SCM deals with the societal conditions, problems, and consequences of communication about the pandemic. It is the product of a joint initiative of the then three ICA Affiliate Journals „Studies in Communication and Media“ (Germany), „Communication & Society“ (Hong Kong), and „Revue Française des Sciences de l‘Information et de la Communication” (France). After publication, the equivalent issues of the latter will be available on their respective websites, as well.

„Criticism of, in and through Communication and Media Studies”

This Special Issue of SCM deals with „Criticism of, in and through Communication and Media Studies”. The special issue was guest-edited by Peter Gentzel, Sigrid Kannengießer, Cornelia Wallner, Jeffrey Wimmer and contains contributions by Marian Adolf, Silke Fürst, Friedrich Krotz, Sigrid Kannengießer & Johanna E. Möller as well as Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen.

Call for Papers

Directions for Authors

Publication Ethics

Open Access Policy

SCM is an open access journal. In accordance with the editors’ intention, open access publishing permits free access to academic publications. All articles in SCM are published under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The full text is thus accessible for everyone while, at the same time, the authors’ rights are respected. Authors may archive the publisher version or their article (author’s personal website or institutional repository) under the conditions that a CC BY-NC-ND license is applied and the published source (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG) is acknowledged. The quality of the articles continues to be ensured through our peer review process and editorial control.

As long as nothing else is stated in the bibliographic notes, the Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND 3.0 applies to this content, i.e. it may be downloaded, filed and printed.

If such content is forwarded to anyone, it must include a full citation and particularly the following information:

  • names of all authors
  • the publication of record
  • book title or journal
  • the ‘DOI-link’ by which the contribution can be cited and looked up on the internet permanently.

When applying the Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND 3.0, an open access publication must not be printed or republished for commercial purposes without the publisher’s written agreement. Open access content must not be altered in any way.

The journal does not levy any article processing or submission charges. The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) is funding publication of SCM.

More information on the general open access policy of Nomos Publishing can be found here.

Authors publishing in this journal retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

Peer Review Process

Quality-Control Measures

Every paper published in the Journal is run through a double-blind expertise process prior to publication. All those selected as reviewers will be knowledgeable in the subject of the work they have to assess in both a German-speaking and an international context, and their own publications will have proved them to be experts in their respective field or the methodology employed in the work to be reviewed. The minimum requirement for someone to be considered as a reviewer is a doctoral degree; however, renowned holders of university chairs are approached to be reviewers first.

Reviewers are selected according to the subject of the work submitted to be assessed. Once a publication has been checked, the editors and publishers will draw up a list of potential reviewers who will then be approached.

The reviewer reports are made anonymous before being handed back to the authors. Additionally, the authors can be provided with references from the editorial office and board.

Authors must adhere to the rules of good academic practice. Plagiarised submissions are inadmissible and will not be published.

We endeavour to preclude bias and other conflicts of interest by choosing each reviewer according to their expertise and by providing them with clear guidelines on how to conduct the review procedure.

Abstracting & Indexing

SCM is currently indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science and in Scopus as well as in

and included in the ProQuest ExLibris Primo Index
