South East Europe Review (SEER)

Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe


SEER aims to stimulate an exchange of information between researchers, trade unionists and people who have a special interest in the political, social and economic development of the region of eastern Europe.

It seeks to draw attention to new research results and the latest analysis about the ongoing process of political and social changes in the broader eastern European region, and tries to create deeper understanding of the importance of the elaboration of democratic structures within industrial relations.

SEER combines contributions from different disciplines and schools of thought into an information package intended to be of interest to policy-makers, researchers, academics and trade unionists from various backgrounds.

The editors would like to point out that it is the authors who are responsible for the content of their own articles and that neither the editors nor the publisher, the European Trade Union Institute, necessarily share the opinions of the authors whose work is featured in the SEER.

ISSN Print 1435-2869
ISSN Online 2942-3384
Published semi-annually


Editorial Board

  • Dr. Jens Becker
    Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • Dr. Béla Galgóczi
    Senior Research Officer at the ETUI Brussels, Belgium
  • Dr. Dobrin Kanev
    New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Dr. Darko Marinković
    Megatrend, University of Applied Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Dr. M. Kemal Öke
    Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey
  • Dr. Ekaterina Ribarova
    Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Peter Scherrer
    Deputy General Secretary, ETUC, Brussels, Belgium
  • Prof. Bruno S. Sergi
    University of Messina, Italy

Editorial Staff

  • Béla Galgoczi (V.i.S.d.P.)

European Trade Union Institute
c/o Béla Galgoczi
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5
1210 Brussels

Phone: +32 / 2 / 22 40 492
Fax: +32 / 2 / 22 40 502

Manuscripts are welcome. See also information site at ETUI.

Notes for contributors can be found here (PDF).

Special Issues

Guidelines for Authors

Open Access Policy

The journal will be published in open access from the year 2021 onwards.
In accordance with the editors’ intention, open access publishing permits free access to academic publications.

For re-use of texts and illustrations please refer to the CC-licence attached to the individual articles. In case such a licence is not specifically included, a CC-BY-licence shall apply. Any other use not expressly permitted by copyright law requires the prior consent of the authors or the publisher.

A CC BY license allows the journal’s content to be shared and modified provided that appropriate credit is given and that it is indicated if changes were made.

The quality of the articles continues to be ensured through our peer review process and editorial control.
Authors wishing to publish in SEER are not required to pay any article processing or submission charges.

Authors publishing in this journal retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

More information on the general open access policy of Nomos Publishing can be found here.

Peer Review Process

All papers published in SEER are reviewed by the editor in chief and the co-editor. In addition, one member of the editorial board is selected for a double-blind review. Editorial board members are all academics (professors, holders of PhD degrees) in disciplines that are related to the core topics of the journal.

The reviewers are selected according to their expertise taking also the discipline and geographical specifics into account.

SEER is strict on plagiarism, we have clear editorial guidelines that beside formatting issues, length and publication style have instructions on referencing and originality. Although we allow secondary publication in certain, qualified cases, this is always clearly indicated in the publication with a strict reference. The review process may also include the use of algorithms, plagiarism checkers, as for example «Grammarly».

The editor in chief selects the peer reviewer for the double-blind review so as to avoid any likely conflicts of interest.

Abstracting & Indexing

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