World Comparative Law (WCL)

Verfassung und Recht in Übersee (VRÜ)


World Comparative Law / VRU analyses developments in constitutional and public law in states and regions outside Europe and North America as well as their regional and international integration. Founded in 1968 and inspired by the ideals of ‘decolonization’ and fair cooperation, the Journal also has a special interest in the entanglements between ‘Global South’ and ‘Global North’, including the presence of the ‘South in the North’. Looking beyond the surface of globalization, World Comparative Law / VRU promotes scholarship that uncovers the particularities of legal configurations as well as their interdependencies in an interconnected world.

The journal seeks to publish theoretically and historically informed studies of law in context, but is equally open to contributions from social sciences and from practitioners. It has a particular interest in analyses that compare several legal orders but is equally attentive to studies in international law and its impact on Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as comparative international law.

World Comparative Law / VRU is listed in SCOPUS (CiteScore 2022: 0.5) and comparable indexes. All its contributions undergo a double blind peer-review. Authors wishing to publish in World Comparative Law / VRU are not required to pay any article processing or submission charges. The journal is published quarterly, the first issue of a new volume being published in early summer, and welcomes contributions in English, and exceptionally in German, Spanish and French.

World Comparative Law / VRU addresses authors and readers on all world regions and aims to serve as a forum of mutual exchange. It publishes research articles, shorter reports about current events or conferences as well as book reviews. As a special service, each issue of “World Comparative Law” contains a select bibliography of relevant publications from around the world, compiled in cooperation with the Leibniz-Institute for Global and Regional Studies in Hamburg (GIGA).

ISSN Print 0506-7286
ISSN Online 2941-9603
Published quarterly

VRU/WCL Article Prize Volume 54 (2021)

Since 2019, the editorial board of VRU/WCL has awarded the annual VRU/WCL article prize to the contribution that resonated best with the mission statement of the journal and that exemplified the type of scholarship that the journal wishes to support and encourage. For Volume 54 (2021), the editorial board has decided to award the article prize to the following contribution:

William Partlett and Dinesha Samararatne, Redeeming the National in Constitutional ArgumentVRÜ/WCL 54 (2021), 461-484

→ Press Release


in cooperation with the Institute for International Affairs of the University of Hamburg by the Hamburg Society for International Law and Foreign Policy in conjunction with the Regional Institutes of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Editorial Staff

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 / 2093 – 3375

Special Issue

Guidelines for Authors

VRU/World Comparative Law is a Quarterly concerned with the various aspects of constitutional and legal development in the Asian, African and Latin American countries. It also deals with the international and particularly the regional relations of these countries. Everyone interested in the development of these continents, particularly scholars from these regions, are invited to take part in the discussion.

Manuscripts (in English or exceptionally in German, French or Spanish) may be submitted as an e-mail attachment and under the condition that they have not been published elsewhere in any form. A short abstract (around 300 words) and details about the affiliation of the author (both in English) should be added. We regret that no remuneration can be offered for publication. Contributions must be saved in a simple, editable (no PDF files please!) format, i.e. without automatic hyphenation, with a consistent font, and no activated hyperlinks or other macros. The length of an article should not exceed 10,000 words including footnotes. Please refrain from using bold type or underlining in the text, italics only sparingly.

Publication Ethics

Open Access Policy

The journal will be published in open access from the year 2023 onwards.
In accordance with the editors’ intention, open access publishing permits free access to academic publications.
For re-use of texts and illustrations please refer to the CC licence attached to the individual articles. In case such a licence is not specifically included, a CC-BY licence shall apply. Any other use not expressly permitted by copyright law requires the prior consent of the authors or the publisher.
The quality of the articles continues to be ensured through our peer review process and editorial control.
Authors wishing to publish in World Comparative Law / VRU are not required to pay any article processing or submission charges.

Authors publishing in this journal retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

More information on the general open access policy of Nomos Publishing can be found here.

Peer Review Process

VRU/WCL is a peer-reviewed journal. The peer review is double-blind: Neither the reviewer nor the author knows the other’s identity.
Notification of acceptance, rejection or request for revisions will normally be given within 6-8 weeks after receipt of the manuscript.
The Managing Editor pre-screens all manuscripts and either rejects them or sends them out for review. Manuscripts which do not fall within the Journal’s particular areas of interest or are manifestly substandard are rejected by the Managing Editor without prior peer review.
The Managing Editor contacts suitable reviewers from broader international academic community. Reviewers use a detailed review-form.
On the basis of the peer review, the author might be invited to revise and resubmit the manuscript. After the review and possible revisions, the Editors and the Managing Editor decide on the publication of the manuscript. The Editors are not bound by the reviewer’s recommendation. If need be, the Managing Editor or the Editors can solicit additional reviews. The Editors and the Managing Editor decide on the publication jointly by consensus.
The evaluation process takes account of several criteria: while the emphasis is on the quality and the innovative character of the article, other criteria, including the balance of topics, the Journal’s particular areas of interest which may change over time, the fact that something similar has already been commissioned, and other factors may influence the final decision. Therefore, a rejection of a manuscript does not necessarily reflect a judgment about the quality of the manuscript submitted.

Abstracting & Indexing

VRU/WCL is indexed in

The journal is included in the following ProQuest databases


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