Double honour for ‘Law enforcement using legal tech platforms’

Double honour for ‘Law enforcement using legal tech platforms’

Zweifache Ehrung für "Rechtsdurchsetzung mittels Legal Tech-Plattformen"

Dr Jan David Hendricks’ work on legal tech and access to justice receives the Ernst Zander Prize 2024 and the GdF Prize Dr Klaus Marquardt

Dr Jan David Hendricks’ study “Rechtsdurchsetzung mittels Legal Tech-Plattformen” was awarded two major prizes: the Ernst Zander Prize 2024 of the Institute of Corporate Management (ifu) and the Dr Klaus Marquardt Prize of the Society of Friends of the Ruhr University Bochum e. V. (GdF). The thesis critically examines the role of legal tech platforms and their impact on law enforcement.

Hendricks analyses the causes of inadequate law enforcement and combines legal sociology and behavioural economics perspectives. In particular, he analyses the current legal framework and its need for reform. It will soon be available in open access in the Nomos eLibrary.

The work is published in the series of the Institute for Lawyers‘ Law, which has provided a platform for outstanding academic work in the field of lawyers’ law since 1991. With over 90 published titles, the series is the most important collection of legal research in the German-speaking world.

The double award underlines the relevance and academic quality of Dr Hendricks’ work, which provides important impetus for the future regulation and practice of legal tech in Germany.