Cooperation with PhilPapers


Cooperation with PhilPapers

Nomos Verlag will deliver the metadata of its philosophical publications to PhilPapers in the future

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft and its imprints Academia, Ergon, Tectum and Karl Alber are now supplying the metadata of their philosophical publications to PhilPapers on a quarterly basis, starting with works from 2022, as well as backlist titles in the following.

PhilPapers is an international, interactive academic database of philosophy publications operated by the Centre for Digital Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. PhilPapers has over 320,000 registered users and is one of the most important internationally used portals for researching scholarly publications in the field of philosophy. The direct exchange of data increases the international visibility of authors of titles in the field of philosophy from Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft and contributes to the publications from the publishing house becoming part of the global discourse.

Examples of publications already available are the journals “Anthropos”, “Knowledge Organization”, the “Philosophisches Jahrbuch” and individual works such as “Prinz, Wollen, Glauben und Handeln”, “Götschl, Auf den Spuren idealistischen Denkens” or “Schulte-Tickmann, Was ist Nachhaltigkeit?”