Flight and Refugee Research – A Handbook for Science and Studies


Flight and Refugee Research – A Handbook for Science and Studies

“A scientific knowledge base for the field of flight and refugee research”

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest work “Flight and Refugee Studies: Handbook for Academics and Students”. Edited by Dr Tabea Scharrer, Prof. Dr Birgit Glorius, Dr J. Olaf Kleist and Dr Marcel Berlinghoff, this handbook offers a critically reflective overview of the entire research field of forced migration and refugee studies. You can find out more in the following interview with the editors:

Unser Handbuch bietet eine Einordnung von Phänomenen, Diskursen und Politikansätzen, die im Themenfeld von Flucht, Vertreibung, Flüchtlingsaufnahme und -integration in wiederkehrenden Abständen auftreten.

The editors

Refugee and refugee research has been experiencing a boom in German-speaking regions since around 2015. This handbook explores the field in all its breadth and at the same time critically reflects on the current state of research. Part I of the volume discusses the historical development of the research field on a theoretical level, its (trans)disciplinary approaches and research ethics issues. Part II offers a discussion of important core terms and concepts of the research field. Part III is empirically orientated and deals with flight and refugees in relation to actors and political patterns of action. Finally, Part IV looks at refugee movements and policies in different regions of the world.
The handbook is aimed at researchers and teachers as well as students and interested practitioners.