The Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien is published by the Europa-Institut, law department, of Saarland University since 1998. The concept of ZEuS is a wide one: the journal addresses current aspects and fundamental problems connected with European Integration, European law and International law. Consisting of articles especially in German and English which commentate on current developments in the law, ZEuS offers an ideal forum for contributors of both academic and professional backgrounds. Moreover, ZEuS makes a conscious effort to provide young academics and students with the opportunity to have their work published. Finally, all speeches held at the Europa-Institut are published in ZEuS.
ISSN Print 1435-439X
ISSN Online 2942-3589
Published quarterly
Editorial Office
Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes
Sektion Rechtswissenschaft
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken
Telefon: +49 681 / 302-6693
Fax: +49 681 / 302-4369
The peer review process of the journal ZEuS is in line with the peer review procedure that has proven itself in scientific practice. Submitted manuscripts are anonymised by the editors upon receipt, so that the authors are not known to all those involved in the review process. Upon receipt of a new manuscript offer, the members of the editorial board will be informed by circular mail about the title and abstract of the anonymised offer and invited to make suggestions for reviewers; they may propose themselves.
The central selection criterion for the reviewers is their professional reputation and scientific expertise in the topic. As a rule, the reviewers are postdocs and professors. Occasionally, however, we also ask doctoral students who are currently doing intensive research on a certain topic for their expertise. The final selection is the responsibility of the managing editor, who is only the only one who can access, with the knowledge of the authors, whether there is too much proximity between the reviewers and those to be reviewed. Other aspects also play a role, such as the desire to spread the work over as many shoulders as possible and, conversely, to give the entire editorial team the widest possible opportunity to participate in the selection process.
As a rule, two reviews are requested. Thus, there are usually at least two votes on a manuscript. On this basis, the editorial board as a collegial body makes its decision on the acceptance of the manuscript or the recommendation of a revision or new submission. This decision is summarised in an editorial decision and sent to the authors together with the (also anonymised) considerations from the reviews on which this decision is based. The editorial board will attempt to carry out the review process within six weeks of receipt of the manuscript. If this is not possible, the authors will be notified accordingly.
In general, all submitters are required to provide an assurance that the manuscript is an original manuscript that has not yet been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. If the reviewers have any suspicions, they will either investigate the matter themselves or ask the managing editor to do so.
Since the expert opinions are requested as texts with executed criticism, cases in which the rules of good scientific practice are violated are easily identifiable. In these cases, the managing editor contacts the reviewer to ask him/her to check whether the criticism can be justified and formulated more appropriately.
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